To investigate the impact of football training on self-confidence in female senior-level football athletes. Individuals between 18 and 24 in the Malappuram district of Kerala were surveyed to gather data. The study included a cohort of 45 football players at the state level. There were 45 participants, with each group having an equal distribution of people. The total number of players is 15, and they are separated into three groups: two experimental groups, namely rondo and skill-based, and one control group referred to as CG. ANCOVA is a statistical technique employed to analyze data. The study's results regarding the impact of rondo and skill-based training (SBT) demonstrated a statistically significant disparity compared to the control group. The study investigated the influence of the experimental groups, rondo, and Skill-based training(SBT) on the self-confidence of female players. The findings indicated that the Rondo group exhibited a notably higher self-confidence enhancement than the SBT group following the intervention (. F (2,41)=282.95, p=.000, η² = .932). The findings indicate that rondo types of training help to improve self-confidence, even though skill-based training exhibits a more pronounced enhancement in effectiveness. The empirical evidence substantiates this claim.
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