Age and Seasonal Impacts on Bull Semen Quality: Current Findings and Future Directions

  • Ravi Babu Surisetti
  • Dr.Jaya Pattasi
  • Dr. N.Karunakara Rao
  • Dr.G SravaniV.D
  • Dr Adari Arjuna Apparao
Keywords: Bull semen quality, Age-related changes, Seasonal effects, Artificial insemination, Reproductive success, Genetic variability


This review explores the intricate interplay between age, season, and semen quality in bull reproduction, emphasizing the need for standardized assessment protocols, and advanced molecular technologies. Age-related changes in semen parameters such as volume, concentration, motility, and morphology are driven by physiological, and hormonal factors. Seasonal variations, influenced by environmental conditions, further affect reproductive success. Despite extensive research, inconsistencies in findings persist, highlighting the need for deeper investigation into the underlying mechanisms. Recent advancements underscore the significance of hormonal and nutritional influences on semen quality, advocating for targeted interventions. Key challenges in assessing semen quality include genetic variability, inconsistent methodologies, and a lack of longitudinal studies. Future research should focus on elucidating molecular pathways, integrating advanced technologies, and developing predictive models to optimize artificial insemination programs. Addressing these gaps requires a multidisciplinary approach to enhance reproductive performance and genetic progress in the cattle industry. This review offers valuable insights into the complexities of age and seasonal effects on bull semen quality, calling for standardized methods ,and innovative strategies to advance the field

Author Biographies

Ravi Babu Surisetti

PhD Scholar, Trans-Disciplinary Research Hub, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam


Dr.Jaya Pattasi

Associate Professor in Zoology, Dr .V.S. Krishna Government Degree and P.G College, Visakhapatnam

Dr. N.Karunakara Rao

Deputy Director (AH), Frozen Semen Bull Station, Visakhapatnam

Dr.G SravaniV.D

Veterinary Surgeon, Frozen Semen Bull Station. Visakhapatnam

Dr Adari Arjuna Apparao

Assistant Professor in Zoology, S.G.A Government Degree College, Yellamanchili


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How to Cite
Ravi Babu Surisetti, Dr.Jaya Pattasi, Dr. N.Karunakara Rao, Dr.G SravaniV.D, & Dr Adari Arjuna Apparao. (2024). Age and Seasonal Impacts on Bull Semen Quality: Current Findings and Future Directions. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 25-42. Retrieved from