• Devi Mampi
  • Sarma Manoj Kumar
Keywords: Assamese speech, MFCLBS, fusion, cluster, MFCFB


Machine learning is becoming a vital tool for automating decision making processes in today’s world. Machine learning algorithms evaluate information, spot trends and forecast outcomes to assist businesses in making wise decisions and also can help with disease diagnosis, prognostication, treatment plan personalization, resource allocation optimization by training machine learning algorithms on historical data too. In order to better understand how machine learning might be used on healthcare decision making, we did this research work.

We have tried to present a fine approach using clustering visualization to enhance health status based on some sentence and word analysis using some unsupervised machine learning algorithms like KMeans and Spectral clustering techniques that are most common to find hidden structures, correlations and trends in healthcare data based on speech signals that are not labeled. Fusion feature is an added advantage that has been created by combining several different distinct features. To facilitate pattern recognition and interpretation, we did cluster visualization using PCA as a feature reduction method on the features to verify the effectiveness of the suggested method on two of our primary datasets and lastly we have applied the same method on an online health dataset for comparison.

In the observation stage, the clustering visualizations have helped with health status results by revealing distinct cluster alterations linked to particular medical disorders. The overall research has impacted on significant potential applications on speech recognition and in future it may impact on speech therapy, real time disease detection and remote health monitoring systems.

Author Biographies

Devi Mampi

Research Scholar, Faculty of Engineering, Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam, 781026

Sarma Manoj Kumar

Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam, 781026


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How to Cite
Devi Mampi, & Sarma Manoj Kumar. (1). DECISION MAKING IN HEALTHCARE THROUGH MACHINE LEARNING ENHACEMENT WITH FUSION FEATURE . Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 563-574. Retrieved from