Deep Learning In Image Processing For Object Recognition Using Various Techniques

  • Harshit Goyal
  • Priyank Sirohi
Keywords: .


Due of the field's tight ties to both picture interpretation and video analysis, object detection has seen a sharp rise in study interest in recent years. Shallow trainable structures and handcrafted characteristics are the foundation of traditional object recognition methods. Their efficacy quickly bottoms out because they build intricate ensembles that integrate higher level input from the object identification systems and the scene classifiers with low-level image data. Deep learning is developing at a rapid pace, giving researchers more effective methods to tackle issues with conventional architectures. These instruments are able to pick up more complex, semantic data. The network design, training procedure, optimization function, and other components of these models vary. An overview of object identification techniques based on deep learning is provided in this study. First, let's review deep learning and the convolutional neural network (CNN), which is its primary tool.

Now next discussion is for common generic object detection architectures and provide some useful tips and adjustments to improve the detection performance for further tasks. Additionally, as many particular detection tasks have distinct features, such as salient object recognition, we briefly examine a few specific tasks, such as face and pedestrian identification. Additionally, experiments are provided in order to assess various strategies and derive some significant conclusions. A range of numerical values reflect all that is visible to a computer. Thus, in order to examine the data contained in images, they need image processing algorithms. In terms of efficacy and speed, You But Look Once (YOLO), More Quickly Region-based neural networks based on convolution (Faster R-CNNs), and Single Shot Detection (SSD) are the most popular computational processing of pictures algorithms. This essay examines these techniques. This evaluation looks at the performance of these three algorithms and looks at their individual benefits and drawbacks using metrics like F1 score, accuracy, and precision. The technology being used for data collection is Microsoft COCO (Common Object in Context). The experiment's findings show that each algorithm's predominant use cases over the other two determine its relative superiority. YOLO-v3, the most optimal algorithm out of the three, outperforms the SSD drive and Faster R-CNN networks under the same testing conditions. In conclusion, a number of fascinating opportunities and challenges are outlined as a basis for further research in the fields of relevant neural network-based learning systems and object identification.

Author Biographies

Harshit Goyal

M.Tech CSE, SCRIET, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, India.

Priyank Sirohi

Assistant Professor, SCRIET, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, India.


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How to Cite
Harshit Goyal, & Priyank Sirohi. (1). Deep Learning In Image Processing For Object Recognition Using Various Techniques. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 131-136. Retrieved from