Aplicación de ozono intravenoso para acondicionamiento físico de equinos

  • Insuasti, S ; Condolo, L ,Aldaz, B , Vinueza, P , Velepucha, H , Tiama N
Keywords: Equines; physiological constants; lactic acid; electrolytes; pH.


At the Tunshi Experimental Station of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, the application of intravenous ozone for physical conditioning of horses was evaluated in the variables (lactic acid, pH, electrolytes and physiological constants). Fifteen half-breed horses of similar breeds and categories were used. Ozone was applied at different times, A1 (Ozone before training), A2 (Ozone after training), unlike A0 where there was no ozone application. Evaluating them at the following times, B0: before training, B1: after training and B2: after 30 minutes of training). These were distributed in a Completely Random Design in a two-factor arrangement, with 3 treatments and 5 repetitions each. The data were subjected to an Analysis of Variance (ADEVA) and Tukey's test (p<0.05) for the separation of means. It will be concluded that there are no significant differences. The best results were reported in the A1B2 treatment in most of the variables, with the following values: lactic acid with 13.30 mg/dL; pH with 7.52; potassium electrolyte with 3.65 mmol/L; sodium electrolyte with 126.24 mmol/L;
calcium ion electrolyte with 1.44 mmol/L; heart rate with 52 (bpm); room temperature 37.34 °C. Regarding the other variables, the A2B2 treatment was the one that stood out, with the following values: chlorine electrolyte with 101.54 mmol/L; respiratory rate with 39 (rpm). It is recommended to apply ozone by other routes of administration, to evaluate its action in different equestrian sports, different times and in other variables of zootechnical interest.


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How to Cite
Insuasti, S ; Condolo, L ,Aldaz, B , Vinueza, P , Velepucha, H , Tiama N. (1). Aplicación de ozono intravenoso para acondicionamiento físico de equinos. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 550-556. Retrieved from https://www.veterinaria.org/index.php/REDVET/article/view/544