Veterinary Interventions in Livestock Agriculture: Enhancing Productivity and Welfare
Livestock agriculture is a vital part of the global food supply chain since it supplies millions of people with essential sources of protein and helps them maintain their livelihoods. Veterinary interventions are extremely important in terms of protecting the well-being of livestock and maximizing the productivity of cattle. The purpose of this research article is to investigate the myriad applications of veterinary interventions in livestock agriculture, with a particular focus on the impact these interventions have on both production and welfare. The purpose of this study is to examine important interventions, such as illness prevention, nutritional management, reproductive health, and emergency treatment, and to highlight the significance of these interventions in establishing farming methods that are both sustainable and advantageous. The purpose of this paper is to provide a complete overview of the manner in which veterinary interventions contribute to the development of productivity and welfare in livestock agriculture. This will be accomplished by analyzing current research, innovations, and best practices.
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