Analyzing Pain in Equine with Eye Syndrome: Advancements in Recognition and Assessment Systems
Equine eye syndrome, or EES, is a serious health concern for horses that results in pain and suffering. The goal of this research is to improve the early detection and treatment of equine ocular discomfort by exploring novel methods for identifying and evaluating pain in horses suffering from EES. We performed a retrospective observational analysis on each horse treated for ophthalmologic disorders from October 2020 to October 2022. The clinical improvements of horses in the present investigation are divided into different categories: excision, ophthalmic operation and discharge with medical care. The Horse Grimace Measure (HGM) and the Pain Index for Behavior (PIB) are used to evaluate temporal patterns using linear regression. The relationships between slope, capture and development are found using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Out of the 114 horses that fulfilled the requirements for entry, 46 were released following solely medical treatment, 33 had eye surgery and 16 had excision. Two ophthalmology operations were conducted on five horses. When the horses were admitted, the PIB readings were greater in the medically managed horses than in the enucleated horses. Compared to horses under medicinal management, excision-requiring horses experienced a greater increase in HGM and PIB throughout their hospital stay. Additionally, PIB increased more in these cases than in cases of ocular eye surgery. When it comes to tracking the course and reaction to treatment, pain scoring could be a helpful tool for horses with eye conditions.
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