Major Intestinal Parasites of Domestic Chicken in Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia
Chicken meat is the largest source of protein in Indonesia and act as an essential factors of food security. However, the chicken farming is frequently hampered by the diseases. Parasitic infections are well-known causing significant economic losses due to drugs, weight loss, inefficient feed conversion rate, drop in egg production and even mortality. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites commonly found in domestic chicken for consumption in Boyolali, Central Java. Two hundred (200) of fecal samples were obtained from slaughtered house in Ngebong market, Boyolali district, Central Java. The chicken population was a mixed between local, meat and layer types. The samples were processed by flotation technique and morphologically identified by light microscopy. Besides, some of post-mortem intestinal tract were also opened to collect adult nematode which were observed colonize in the lumen. Overall prevalence of intestinal parasites reached 55.50% (111/200). The parasites identified were Eimeria spp. 28% (31/111), Ascaridia galli 6% (7/111), Capillaria sp. 25% (28/111), Railletina sp. 35% (39/111), Heterakis gallinarum 1% (1/111), Syngamus trachea 3% (3/111), and Mediorhynchus gallinarum 2% (2/111). The high prevalence of intestinal parasites showed that domestic chicken in this area were highly susceptible to parasites infection. The preventive measures were necessary to control poultry parasitosis in the region.
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