Microscopic and Macroscopic Study on Iraqi Local Rooster Genital Tract
The aim of current work was to evaluate the reproductive organs of Iraqi local rooster histologically and anatomically. Eighteen healthy, mature birds of this breed, weighed 1.92± 0.03 kg, aged 24- 26 weeks, they obtained from the local market in the Baqubah city, were used. Genital measurements were made in addition to their macro and microscopic description. It was observed the testes positioned on the two lateral aspects of midline of the body, located on ventral surface of corresponding kidneys and caudal surface of the pulmonary tissue. The testicles recorded means length and width of 24.68± 0.75mm, 18.76± 0.51mm and 23.27± 0.63mm, 16.57± 0.29mm in left and right one respectively. The epididymis appeared as short tube located over the testicle faced the dorsomedial surface and extend from proximal extremity of testicle to continuity with ductus deferens without any discrete portions in its course. It was lined with pseudostratified columnar type. The lining of ductus deferens showed alteration gradually along its course from pseudostratified columnar to terminated in distal part as simple cuboidal. The morphometric analysis reported non signification difference in length between the right and left ductus. It concluded that the testicles of Iraqi local rooster had oval shape and showed significant increase in length and width in left in compared with the right one. The epididymis did not show distinct parts as that present in mammals. The coiled ductus deferens had lumen characterize by expansion toward the distal part. Non intermittent form of phallus was clear feature in Iraqi local rooster.