RP- HPLC Method Development And Validation of Acalabrutinib In Bulk And Formulation & Greenness Assessment of Developed Method.

  • Bhavesh D.Mahajan
  • Dr.Ashish S Jain
  • Dr.Reshma V. Jadhav
  • Prathamesh V. Chaudhari
  • Priya Jagtap
  • Prapti Gawand
  • Aishwarya Patil
Keywords: Acalabrutinib, RP-HPLC, ICH Q2 (R1) guidelines, %RSD, Greenness tools


The present study was develop to asses a greenness approach for method development and validation  which were verified for linearity, sensitivity, accuracy, precision, specificity, and robustness as per ICH guidelines. A simple UV method was develop & employed using acetonitrile as a diluent at a wavelength of 228nm. The linearity range was observed from 0-20 µg mL-1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.9993. The developed method was robust & precise with a %RSD value less than 2 for both intra-day (1.46%) and inter-day (1.52%) precision and results were statistically analyzed according to the ICH Q2 (R1) guidelines. Acalabrutinib was effectively separated using a HiQsil RP C18, 5 µm, 250 mmx4.6 mm i.d. column in an isocratic method of separation, utilizing Acetonitrile: water in the ratio of 75:25% v/v, with a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and detection at 228 nm. The response was found to be linear in the drug concentration range of 0-50 µg mL-1 for Acalabrutinib. The correlation coefficient for (RP-HPLC) was found to be 0.9998 for Acalabrutinib. The value of 1.0438 µg mL-1 and 3.1630 µg mL-1 for LOD and LOQ for Acalabrutinib were found. The given approach demonstrated good % recovery for Acalabrutinib, indicating that it is very accurate. The method's specificity demonstrates a strong correlation between the retention times of the standard and sample solutions. As a result, the demonstrated approach precisely detects the analyte in the bulk sample with no interference from pharmaceutical dosage form excipients.The greeness of method was evaluated by tools like HPLC_EAT,AGREE, GAPI & COMPLEX GAPI.

Author Biographies

Bhavesh D.Mahajan

Shri D. D. Vispute College Of Pharmacy & Research Center Panvel Mumbai Maharashtra   410206

Dr.Ashish S Jain

Principal, Shri D.D. Vispute College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Devad, Vichumbe, Gut No. 104, Adjacent to Mumbai-Pune Express Highway, Tal. Panvel, Dist-Raigad, Pincode-410221, Maharashtra, India


Dr.Reshma V. Jadhav

Shri D. D. Vispute College Of Pharmacy & Research Center Panvel Mumbai Maharashtra 410206

Prathamesh V. Chaudhari

Shri D. D. Vispute College Of Pharmacy & Research Center Panvel Mumbai Maharashtra 410206

Priya Jagtap

Shri D. D. Vispute College Of Pharmacy & Research Center Panvel Mumbai Maharashtra 410206

Prapti Gawand

Shri D. D. Vispute College Of Pharmacy & Research Center Panvel Mumbai Maharashtra 410206

Aishwarya Patil

Shri D. D. Vispute College Of Pharmacy & Research Center Panvel Mumbai Maharashtra 410206


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How to Cite
Bhavesh D.Mahajan, Dr.Ashish S Jain, Dr.Reshma V. Jadhav, Prathamesh V. Chaudhari, Priya Jagtap, Prapti Gawand, & Aishwarya Patil. (2024). RP- HPLC Method Development And Validation of Acalabrutinib In Bulk And Formulation & Greenness Assessment of Developed Method. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3389 -3402. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.1579