A Successful Ayurvedic Management Of Kotha (Dry Gangrene Of Digital Toe) By Disarticulation Followed By Panchakarma And Jaloukavacharana - A Single Case Study
Gangrene is a macroscopic death of tissue caused by lack of blood supply. The foot and hands are most commonly affected. Symptoms may include a change in skin colour red or black, numbness, swelling, pain, ulceration and death of local skin. This condition is caused because of an injury, infection or other health conditions, majorly diabetes. Gangrene and its associated amputations are clinically challenging, but Ayurveda offers different therapy options. In Ayurveda, Gangrene can be corelated to Kotha under DushtaVrana due to Margavarana and Dhatu Kshaya. A 65 years old male patient came to Shalya tantra OPD, JSS Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital presented with complaints of pain and swelling near right little toe since 15days. He has been diagnosed with a dry gangrene. The patient was treated with Disarticulation followed by Panchakarma and Jaloukavacharana, which were found very effective and safe. The patient got recovered with complete healed wound.
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