Investigate How Iot Can Optimize Waste Collection, Recycling Processes, And Waste Disposal Systems, Improving Urban Sustainability.
In order to fill the significant lack in empirical evidence regarding the efficacy of IoT in this sector, this study explores how IoT technologies are integrated into waste management and sustainability practices in major Indian cities. Five municipalities are the subject of the study: Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata. The study used a mixed-methods approach, integrating qualitative feedback from stakeholder interviews with quantitative data on waste creation and recycling rates. Important studies show that garbage creation rates vary significantly, with the greatest rates found in cities like Delhi and Mumbai. The necessity for customized tactics was made clear by the disparity in recycling rates, with Kolkata having the lowest rate at 15% and Chennai having the highest at 35%. According to operational efficiency measures, Chennai gains the most from IoT integration, as evidenced by faster garbage collection times and higher fleet organization.
However, challenges such as infrastructure inadequacies, data privacy concerns, and cost constraints were prevalent, particularly in Kolkata. Stakeholder perspectives were mixed, reflecting optimism about IoT's potential and concerns about its implementation complexities. The study concludes that while IoT can significantly enhance waste management efficiency and sustainability, overcoming infrastructural and resource barriers, ensuring data security, and fostering stakeholder confidence are crucial for successful adoption. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners aiming to leverage IoT for sustainable urban waste management. The world population growth and increased demands for limited goods consequently imply the necessity for more efficient use of materials and resources. As the novel advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have totally revolutionized the numerous areas, their utilization at the same time possesses a negative influence on the human health and the environment. For that reason, the society is going toward the greener future where the usage of raw and non-renewable materials and resources will be reduced while energy consumption and pollution will be decreased. As ICT can be considered as a tool for addressing environmental problems, Green Internet of Things (G-IoT) takes one of the most important roles on the way to create a green and sustainable place for living. Big data analysis is essential in achieving valuable insights from voluminous and various G IoT generated data.
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