Management Of Organophosphorous Induced Polyneuropathy With Ayurvedic Protocol – A Case Report

  • Dr.Veena G Rao
  • Dr. JurruNiharika
  • Dr. Rakshith HS
Keywords: OP poisoning induced Polyneuropathy, Intermediate syndrome, Dhanyamladhara, Talam, Abhyanga, Mustadi yapana basti, Annalepa, Salvana Upanaha


Organophosphates encompass a diverse group of chemical compounds and are formed through esterification between phosphoric acid and alcohol. Currently, organophosphates have common application in pesticides and herbicides, as well as nerve agents in chemical warfare. When introduced into the body, organophosphates (OP) inhibit the enzyme acetyl cholinesterase, resulting in an overabundance of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This surplus acetylcholine in the body manifests the cholinergic toxidrome, which includes effects on nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, as well as central nervous system. Although developed nations have experienced a decline in poisoning cases due to stricter regulations on the use of these chemicals, developing countries still face a clinical concern, especially when used for self-harm purposes. This case report is intended to throw light to a positive outcome of Ayurvedic treatment protocol in OP poisoning induced polyneuropathy. A male patient aged 34 years diagnosed with OP compound poisoning with intermittent syndrome presiding into Polyneuropathy presented to Panchakarma OPD with complaints of loss of function and loss of strength in both upper &lower limbs was assessed by ASIA scale and FMI scale. Was administered with Dhanyamladhara, Talam, Abhyanga , Mustadi yapana basti, Shastika Shaali Pinda Sweda, Annalepa , Salvana Upanaha. The ASIA scale before treatment was Grade C has improved to Grade E (normalcy) and was maintained during 2 months follow up after the treatment. This displays the complete remission of the disease alongside with use of internal medications for due course.

Author Biographies

Dr.Veena G Rao

Professor & Head, Department of Panchakarma, JSS Ayurvedic medical college, Mysuru, Karnataka. 

Dr. JurruNiharika

MD scholar, Department of Panchakarma, JSS Ayurvedic medical college, Mysuru, Karnataka

Dr. Rakshith HS

MD scholar, Department of Panchakarma, JSS Ayurvedic medical college, Mysuru


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How to Cite
Dr.Veena G Rao, Dr. JurruNiharika, & Dr. Rakshith HS. (2025). Management Of Organophosphorous Induced Polyneuropathy With Ayurvedic Protocol – A Case Report. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3403-3410.