A Case Report On Kaphaja Granthi Wsr To Pilar Cyst - A Successful Approach Through Ayurvedic Surgical Principles.

  • Dr.Adithya JV
  • Dr.Savita Hiremath
  • Dr.Siddayya Aradhyamath
  • Dr.Sowmya M N
  • Dr.Prasann Pratreppa Hanji
  • Dr.Prarthana S
Keywords: Pilar cyst, Trichilemmal cyst, Kaphaja granthi, scalp, Chedana karma


Pilar cysts are also called as Trichilemmal cysts, it commonly found on the scalp. We report a case of 43years old lady with painless swellings over occipital region in scalp since 3months, diagnosed as Pilar cyst. X-ray and CT-Head reports too revealed as Pilar cyst, which was having recurrence history for 3 times and excision had been done twice within 2 years complete excision of content is standard protocol. This type of cysts are notoriously known for their recurrence and proper excision of the cyst with accuracy and following proper methodology will play a chief role in preventing the recurrence of the cyst. In Ayurveda, there is excerpts regarding Kaphaja Granthi and the clinical presentation told under this context almost matches Pilar cyst and Chedana karma has been told even by Acharyas for the management of Kaphaja Granthi. Hence we have classically adopted Chedana karma as told by Acharyas and we have got promising results in this single case study.

Author Biographies

Dr.Adithya JV

Assistant Professor, Department of PG and PhD studies in Shalya Tantra. JSS Ayurveda Medical College.Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Dr.Savita Hiremath

HOD and Professor, Department of Shareera Kriya. JSS Ayurveda Medical College.Mysuru, Karnataka,India.

Dr.Siddayya Aradhyamath

HOD and Professor, Department of PG and PhD studies in Shalya Tantra. JSS Ayurveda Medical College.Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Dr.Sowmya M N

Associate professor, Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSS Ayurveda Medical College.Mysuru, Karnataka, India. 

Dr.Prasann Pratreppa Hanji

Second year PG scholar, Department of PG and PhD studies in Shalya Tantra. JSS Ayurveda Medical College.Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Dr.Prarthana S

Second year PG scholar, Department of PG and PhD studies in Shalya Tantra. JSS Ayurveda Medical College.Mysuru, Karnataka, India


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How to Cite
Dr.Adithya JV, Dr.Savita Hiremath, Dr.Siddayya Aradhyamath, Dr.Sowmya M N, Dr.Prasann Pratreppa Hanji, & Dr.Prarthana S. (2024). A Case Report On Kaphaja Granthi Wsr To Pilar Cyst - A Successful Approach Through Ayurvedic Surgical Principles . Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3384-3388. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.1568