Aeromycoflora of Fruit and Vegetable Market of Bhatapara Region.
During the present investigation percentage contribution in July was 7.24 from Zygomycotina, and 91.80 from Anamorphic Fungi. In August, 100.00 of Anamorphic Fungi, in Spetmber, 100.00 of Anamorphic Fungi, in October, 100.00 of Anamorphic Fungi were recorded. In August, September and October month, Zygomycotina were totally absent. In November, 2.70 from Zygomycotina and 93.20 from Anamorphic Fungi, in December 100 from Anamorphic Fungi, and 90.40 from Anamorphic Fungi in June, 97.22 from Anamorphic Fungi was recorded
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