"Advancing Youth Employability And Economic Growth: The Strategic Role Of Skill Development Programs In India"

  • Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh
  • Mr. Pravendra Dixit
Keywords: Skill Development, Youth Employability, Economic Contribution Workforce Empowerment


Skill development programs are crucial for empowering India's youth and strengthening the nation's economy. This paper explores how these programs enhance employability and boost economic contributions by equipping young people with the skills needed in today’s job market. Through an analysis of key initiatives from both the government and private sectors, the study highlights efforts to close the skills gap and create pathways for meaningful employment. The findings show that skill-building programs play a significant role in preparing youth for the workforce, contributing to personal growth, job readiness, and sustained employment. Additionally, these programs support economic development by fostering a skilled workforce capable of driving innovation and productivity. However, challenges such as accessibility, scalability, and maintaining quality remain. This paper also offers insights into strategies for improving the reach and impact of skill development initiatives. Ultimately, it emphasizes the importance of continued investment in skill development as a critical step in empowering the youth and ensuring India’s progress toward a robust and inclusive economy.

Author Biographies

Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh

Associate Professor Department of Sociology, N.M.S.N. Dass (P. G.) College, Budaun. Affiliated to M.J.P.R.U. Bareilly, 

Mr. Pravendra Dixit

Research Scholar & Assistant. Professor, Department of Business Administration, N.M.S.N. Dass(P. G.) College, Budaun, Affiliated to M.J.P.R.U. Bareilly. 


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How to Cite
Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh, & Mr. Pravendra Dixit. (2024). "Advancing Youth Employability And Economic Growth: The Strategic Role Of Skill Development Programs In India". Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3315-3320. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.1558