Prevention and intervention strategies for substance use disorder

  • Priya Sharma
Keywords: Substance use disorder, telehealth, peer support, pharmacogenomics, treatment innovation.


Substance use disorder (SUD) is still a major global health problem, for which traditional prevention and intervention are often hindered by access, stigmatization, and social structures. New opportunities like telehealth, peer support, and pharmacogenomics present themselves as possibilities for raising the outcomes of treatment and increasing accessibility. This review examines novel trends in the prevention and treatment of SUDs for the last decade, which include telehealth and virtual treatment, peer support and recovery coaching, and pharmacogenomics. Research from scholarly databases is reviewed to analyze the effectiveness of these strategies and the potential for increasing the availability of treatment services. Telehealth is useful in overcoming geographical and stigmatization barriers to care and in affording patients access to treatment. Several peer support interventions have been shown to have a beneficial influence on treatment participation as well as recovery. Pharmacogenomics has been advanced as a useful way to tailor pharmacological therapies to genetic differences, which may increase effectiveness and decrease relapse. Despite these gaps in knowledge territory showing such promising emerging trends to SUD treatment, challenges like stigma, access to resources, and funding gaps keep on existing. More investigation should be carried out in the future about such innovations and their impact and the policy agendas should aim at increasing the adoption of such methods into the conventional systems of treatment.

Author Biography

Priya Sharma

Research Scholar, Shambhu Dayal (PG) College,


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How to Cite
Priya Sharma. (2024). Prevention and intervention strategies for substance use disorder. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3261-3271.