Comparative Analysis of Faunal Diversity concerning Anthropogenic Influence on Urban Ponds in Jodhpur City"

  • Nikita Rohiwal
  • Gemra Ram Parihar
Keywords: Faunal diversity, Anthropogenic influence, Urban ponds, Urbanization, Aquatic ecosystems, Conservation


Background: This study investigates the comparative analysis of faunal diversity in relation to anthropogenic influences on urban ponds in Jodhpur City.
Method: In our study, eight ponds were categorized into four zones (A, B, C, D) and further selected for comparative analysis, in this study each zone contains two ponds and verifies the levels of human activity related to ponds. Faunal diversity and abundance were assessed using the Shannon-Weiner diversity index, revealing an inverse relationship between species richness and diversity in certain areas.
Results: Ponds with minimal anthropogenic impacts exhibited higher biodiversity, while those with greater human interference showed reduced diversity and species abundance.
Conclusions: The findings highlight the significant role human activities play in shaping urban biodiversity, underscoring the need for conservation efforts to mitigate the negative impacts of urbanization on aquatic ecosystems in Jodhpur. The study provides essential insights into the ecological dynamics of urban water bodies and calls for sustainable management practices to preserve urban biodiversity.

Author Biographies

Nikita Rohiwal

Department of Zoology, Biodiversity And Sustainable Development Lab, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur- 342011, India

Gemra Ram Parihar

Department of Zoology, Biodiversity And Sustainable Development Lab, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur- 342011, India


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How to Cite
Nikita Rohiwal, & Gemra Ram Parihar. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Faunal Diversity concerning Anthropogenic Influence on Urban Ponds in Jodhpur City". Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3190-3196.