Relationship Between Eating Behavior and Body Mass Index in Children of Age 8 To 12 Years: A Correlational Study

  • Divya Bharti
  • Dr. Pooja Kaushik
  • Prof. (Dr.) R.K Sharma
Keywords: CEBQ, Children eating behaviour questionnaire, BMI, Body Mass Index, Food approaching eating behaviour, Food avoiding eating behaviour.


Background: Childhood obesity is a growing concern, with eating behaviors playing a key role in body weight regulation. Children aged 8 to 10 years are at a critical stage in developing eating habits that can affect their Body Mass Index (BMI). This study aims to explore the relationship between eating behaviors, such as meal patterns and food preferences, and BMI in children of this age group, providing insights for obesity prevention and healthier lifestyle interventions. Study Design: A Correlational study. Aim: -To identify the relationship between eating behaviour and body mass index in children aged 8-12 years. Objectives of the study:  • To evaluate the Body Mass Index of the children of age 8 to 12 years.  • To assess the eating Behaviour (food approaching and food avoiding behaviour) of the children of age 8 to 12 years.  • To find the association between Body Mass Index and food approaching behaviour of the children of age 8 to 12 years.  • To find the association between Body Mass Index and food avoiding behaviour of the children of age 8 to 12 years. Participants: The study included children aged 8 to 12 years, both male and female. The sample consisted of 91 children, selected through convenience sampling.  Method: Children's BMI was calculated by measuring their weight and height. BMI was determined using the formula: BMI = weight (in kgs)/height2(in metres). The Child eating Behaviour Questionnaire was used to assess two key aspects of eating behaviour: food-approaching and food-avoiding. A Kendall's tau-b correlation analysis was used to explore the relationship between BMI and these two eating behaviours. Result: The study found a moderate positive correlation of 0.539 between BMI and food-approaching behaviour, with a significance level of less than 0.001. This suggests that children with higher BMI scores are more likely to engage in food-approaching behaviours. In contrast, the correlation between BMI and food-avoiding behaviours was -0.507, indicating a moderate negative correlation. This suggests that children with lower BMI tend to exhibit food-avoiding behaviours. Both correlations were statistically significant with a p-value less than 0.001. Conclusion: This study demonstrates a positive correlation between BMI and food-approaching behaviour, and a negative correlation with food-avoiding behaviour in children aged 8 to 12 years. These findings emphasize the need for targeted interventions that encourage healthier eating habits and address the factors contributing to obesity in children.

Author Biographies

Divya Bharti

Master of Occupational Therapy (paediatrics) student,

Dr. Pooja Kaushik

Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, Santosh College of Occupational Therapy Ghaziabad,

Prof. (Dr.) R.K Sharma

Dean Paramedical and Principal Santosh College of Occupational Therapy Ghaziabad


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How to Cite
Divya Bharti, Dr. Pooja Kaushik, & Prof. (Dr.) R.K Sharma. (2024). Relationship Between Eating Behavior and Body Mass Index in Children of Age 8 To 12 Years: A Correlational Study. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3069 - 3073.