Seasonal Variations in Anthropogenic activities due to Industrial Effluents on Groundwater Quality: A Comparative Analysis of RIICO Industrial Areas in Bayana and Bharatpur (Rajasthan)

  • Deshmukh Singh
  • Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh
  • Dr. Magan Prasad
Keywords: Groundwater quality, seasonal variations, industrial effluents, heavy metal contamination, Rajasthan


Groundwater quality with respect to impact of industrial effluents and anthropogenic activities in two industrial regions of Rajasthan, India, namely Bayana and Bharatpur, has been studied seasonally. Seasonal (pre monsoon, monsoon, post monsoon) variation in physico chemical parameters (pH, Temperature, color, turbidity, EC, TDS, TH, TA, nitrate, sulphate, chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, COD and DO) and heavy metal ions (iron, copper, zinc, manganese, cadmium, mercury, lead and chromium) were analyzed to find out the contamination trend. The pollutants were found to increase considerably after monsoon due to increased industrial discharge and reduced dilution So groundwater of Bharatpur RIICO region was found to be more polluted than Bayana RIICO region due to high value of EC, TDS and TH & high Concentration of Iron and Lead beyond the permissible limit.  The results of this study indicate that there is an urgent need for advanced effluent treatment, sustainable agriculture and monitoring to prevent health and environmental risks. These findings can be used to develop groundwater management and pollution control strategies in industrialized areas.

Author Biographies

Deshmukh Singh

Research scholar, Department of Chemistry, M.S.J. Govt. College Bharatpur, Rajasthan

Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh

Professor, Principal, Govt. College Bari, Dholpur, Rajasthan, India

Dr. Magan Prasad

Professor, Department of Chemistry, M.S.J. Govt. College Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India


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How to Cite
Deshmukh Singh, Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh, & Dr. Magan Prasad. (2024). Seasonal Variations in Anthropogenic activities due to Industrial Effluents on Groundwater Quality: A Comparative Analysis of RIICO Industrial Areas in Bayana and Bharatpur (Rajasthan). Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 3011 - 3025.