Siddhar’s Kechari Yogam Cum Shuddhi Kriya- Karisal Vazhalai

  • Dr. Binthuja G Dharan
  • Dr. M. Dharani
  • Dr. C. Divya
Keywords: karisal vazhalai, karisaalai, kattralai, Milagu.


Kechari Yogam is the procedure of stimulating the secretion of Amirtham in one’s own body, through stimulation of the pineal gland. The term ‘Shuddhikriyas’, usually refer to the cleansing procedures that are mentioned in the Niyamas of the eight limbs of Yoga, as given in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. They are intended to achieve purification of the body. These six procedures need to be performed everyday, which is actually a tedious and time consuming one.

These Shat karmas have not been mentioned in the Tamil/Siddha Yogic texts either. The Siddhars have used a single and simple method to remove the toxins that are collected in the body, in order to clean the path for the Amirtham to circulate. This paper aims at explaining the Siddhars’ Yogic cleansing cum Kechari Yogam Procedure, which has its reference in the book Konganavar Karpam 100, by name ‘Karisal Vazhalai’

Siddhars, who were people who aimed at having a life without rebirth, were also pioneers in the field of ‘Kayakarpam’ or ‘Rejenuvation Therapies’, that were aimed at making the body strong. The process of ‘Karisalvazhalai’ involves three karpa medicines, namely, Karisalai(Eclipta alba), Kadukkai(Terminaliachebula) and Kattralai( Aloe barbadensis).

The procedure involves the intake of KarisalaiNei and Kattralai,in proper procedure, in order to clear the kabham/ toxin that is accumulated in the cranial region and also Gastro Intestinal and Excretory tract.

A simple procedure, if introduced to the materialistic world, could do wonders, as it is easy and could be done even by the layman.

Author Biographies

Dr. Binthuja G Dharan

Junior Research Fellow, Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centre, Kayamozhi, Tuticorin-628205

Dr. M. Dharani

PG Scholar, Department of Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College& Hospital, Arumbakkam, Chennai.

Dr. C. Divya

PG Scholar, Department of Nanju Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College& Hospital, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli.


1. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
2. Konganavar Karpam-100
3. Kaaga poosandar Perunool Kaaviyam
4. Dr. kannan Rajaram(2015), Adangal Parikara Nutpangal.
How to Cite
Dr. Binthuja G Dharan, Dr. M. Dharani, & Dr. C. Divya. (2024). Siddhar’s Kechari Yogam Cum Shuddhi Kriya- Karisal Vazhalai. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2998-3003.