Evaluation of the Effect of Jeevaniya Panchamoola Ghrita Netra Tarpana on Schirmer’s Test and Tear Film Break Up Time in Shushkakshipaka w.r.to Dry Eye Disease - A Case Study
Background: Shushkakshipaka is Sarvakshigata and Sadhya Netra Roga and can be correlated with Dry Eye Disease (DED) because of similarities in the clinical features. Dry Eye Disease is “A multi-factorial disease of the ocular surface characterized by a loss of homeostasis of the tear film, and accompanied by ocular symptoms, in which tear film instability and hyperosmolarity, ocular surface inflammation and damage, and neuro-sensory abnormalities play an etiological role”.
Materials and Methods:The subject with the clinical features of Shushkakshipaka (DED) was approached the out patient section of Shalakya Tantra and was treated with Jeevaniya Panchamoola Ghrita Netra Tarpana.
Result: Significant changes in schirmer’s test and TBUT are noted.
Conclusion:Netra Tarpana with Jeevaniya Panchamoola Ghrita is effective in the management of Shushkakshipka.
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