Standardisation Of Nimba Lodhra Herbal Eye Drops For Infective Conjunctivitis.
Standardizing herbal formulations is essential to ensure their safety, efficacy, and reproducibility. This study focuses on the development and standardization of Nimba-Lodhra eye drops, formulated using Nimba (Azadirachta indica) and Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), for the treatment of infective conjunctivitis. These herbs are known for their antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.The formulation process involved the preparation of aqueous extracts of Nimba and Lodhra, followed by incorporation into an isotonic and sterile ophthalmic base. The standardization protocol included phytochemical analysis through qualitative and quantitative techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPTLC) to ensure consistency in active phytoconstituents.Physicochemical parameters such as pH, viscosity, and specific gravity, were evaluated to ensure compliance with ophthalmic preparation standards. The sterility and microbial limit tests confirmed the absence of harmful pathogens.The results highlight that standardized Nimba-Lodhra eye drops are a safe and effective herbal alternative for treating infective conjunctivitis. Future clinical studies are recommended to validate its therapeutic efficacy and safety profile in a clinical setting.
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