Management Of Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis (Vataja Abhishyanda) Through Ayurveda– A Case Report
Allergic conjunctivitis is a highly prevalent disease, affecting about 40% of the population. It is characterized by itching, watering, redness, chemosis and lid edema, that arises due to exposure to environmental allergens such as grass or tree pollen, house dust mites, animal dander and fungal allergens. It can either seasonal or perennial. In Ayurveda, Abhishyanda (Conjunctivits) is considered to be the root cause of all other eye diseases. It is mentioned under Sarvagata rogas (Diseases affecting entire eye) and is classified into the various types depending upon the Dosha (regulatory functional factors of the body) involved. Vataja Abhishyanda (Allergic Conjunctivitis) is caused due to aggravated Vata dosha, causing Thoda (pricking type of pain), Sangharsha (foreign body sensation), Vishushka Bhava (feeling of dryness), Shishirashruta (cold, watery discharge) and Alpa Shopha (mild chemosis). Ayurveda has various treatment modalities and has given significant results. In this present study, A 13-year-old female patient approached the OPD of Shalakya Tantra (Branch of Ayurveda dealing with diseases above the clavicle), JSS Ayurveda Medical Hospital, Mysuru, India with complaints of itching, redness and watering of right eye since 1 year. She was treated with Sadhyo virechana (Therapeutic purgation), Netra Seka (Eye irrigation Therapy), Netra Pindi (Eye poultice Therapy) and Shamana Aushadhis (Palliative medicines). The results were assessed using slitlamp biomicroscopy. The patient had complete relief from the symptoms.
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