Effect Of Priyangvadi CHOORNA Lepa in SHEETADA - A Case Report
Mukha is considered as one of the most important part of Urdhwajatru because it works as the reflection of the body health by acting as the gateway of alimentary canal. According to Ayurvedic perspective of diseases related to oral cavity, Acharyas have explained Nidana, Samprapti, Lakshana, Chikitsa of all the Avayava of Mukha in detail. According to Sushrutha, Sheethada is one of Dantamoolagata (Periodontal) disorder under the classification of Mukha roga (Oral diseases). It is a Kapha Rakta pradoshaja vyaadhi. It can be correlated to Gingivitis in contemporary science based on its signs and symptoms.
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