A Study Of Realship F Achievement Motive And Adjustment Of Students Of Graduation Level
Education aims to bring certain behavior Changes in the individual to lead an effective Life in the society. It inculcates adjustment to new situations, Problem solving ability, increase knowledge, awareness, skills, values, attitudes etc. in a person. The present study is focused on the achievement Motivation of graduation Level students. Achievement motive attempts to explain and predict behavior and performance based on a students need for achievements is one of the Psychological motives that play an important role in success and achievement of a man. An important component of a successful student is how they manage their social Psychological and scholarly challenges. Academic adjustment is an important Protective factor that adds value to student’s viability and gives the essence to attending and completing college. Academic adjustment refers to the ability of students to adapt to the new challenges emanating from the transitions from one level of studying to another, social expectation and classroom requirements. It consists of college engagement, teacher-student conflict and academic achievement. It between Motivations also is an important factor in individual learning success. It is an activity that has the purpose of providing encouragement and action Achievement Motivation is very important factor for student’s achievement in academic concern.
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