Impact Of Technological Changes on Labor Laws

  • Akansha Pandey
Keywords: .


Industry is not an end in itself. Its raison d’être can serve society and the consumer's needs. Therefore, the industry depends on the consumer, and the consumer depends on the industry. The industry relies on technology, capital, the worker, the entrepreneur, management, the consumer, and society. Therefore, workers and employers depend on industry and the cooperation each gives to the other. One cannot prosper at the cost of the other if industry rather than the individual is to grow.

It must be remembered that when India became independent, it heavily depended on Britain and other European countries or countries like Japan for articles of daily consumption; even pins, clips, pencils and biscuits were being imported. Since then, in the decades after the advent of Independence, we have diversified our production to an incredible extent. There is hardly anything that we do not, or cannot, manufacture today. We can use the most modern or sophisticated technologies where they are available to us. There are Indian entrepreneurs and managers and concerns whose skills are comparable to those of entrepreneurs and managers anywhere in the world.

Indian labor laws are considered highly regulated and rigid compared to other countries. The labor laws of India originated and expressed the socio-political views of leaders such as Nehru from the pre-1947 independence movement struggle. These laws were expanded partly after debates in Constituent Assemblies and from international conventions and recommendations such as those of the International Labor Organisation.

Author Biography

Akansha Pandey

Assistant Professor, School of Law, Forensic Justice & Policy Studies, National Forensic Sciences University, Delhi Campus

How to Cite
Akansha Pandey. (2024). Impact Of Technological Changes on Labor Laws. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2721 - 2725.