Effect Of Ocimum Sanctum On Seed Mycoflora, Seed Germination And Vigour Index Of Green Gram
The effect of a leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum containing the chemical compound on the seed mycoflora, seed germination and subsequent seedling vigour of pathogen-infested Green Gram seeds, was tested. Plants make many chemical compounds that have biological functions, including defense against seed-borne fungi. The effect of Ocimum santctum on seed mycoflora, seed germination and vigour index of Green gram was observed. It can be concluded that Ocimum sanctum at a 10% concentration decreases the seed mycoflora up to 5.00%. At this concentration, the percentages of seed germination and vigour index were found to be increased up to 88.00% and 800, respectively. On the other hand, in the control seed mycoflora, seed germination and vigour index were 70%, 55.00% and 150 respectively.
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