A Study to Identifying the Major Service Quality Dimensions that Satisfy Customers in Internet Banking
The study aims to identify the major service quality dimensions that satisfy customers in internet banking. With the growing popularity of online banking, understanding customer satisfaction and its determinants is crucial for banks to provide a competitive edge. This research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining a comprehensive review of existing literature on service quality and customer satisfaction in internet banking with primary data collection through surveys administered to a sample of internet banking customers. The study reveals several key service quality dimensions that significantly influence customer satisfaction in internet banking. These dimensions include reliability, responsiveness, security, user interface, convenience, and customization. Reliability encompasses factors such as system availability, transaction accuracy, and error handling. Responsiveness pertains to the promptness of customer service and issue resolution. Security measures, including encryption protocols and data protection, contribute to customer satisfaction. User interface elements like ease of navigation and intuitive design greatly impact the overall user experience. Convenience factors, such as 24/7 access, transaction speed, and self-service options, play a vital role in enhancing customer satisfaction. Finally, customization involves tailoring banking services to individual preferences and needs. The study concludes that banks must prioritize these service quality dimensions to satisfy customers in internet banking. By focusing on reliability, responsiveness, security, user interface, convenience, and customization, banks can enhance customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for banks to improve their internet banking services and develop strategies aligned with customer expectations.
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