Awareness of Nutrition Labels in Health Drinks among Youth of Assam (India)

  • Sudeepta Raha
  • Dr. Parag Shil
Keywords: Food Labeling, Health Education, Healthy Diet, Nutrients, Youth.


The study seeks to determine how well-informed young people are about the existence and significance of those nutrition labels. The study's primary goal is to ascertain whether or not young people are aware of the nutritional contents of the various products they use, as well as the differences in selections made by young people according to their income bracket and gender level of education. The author used SPSS and Excel. ANOVA, regression, standard deviation, and mean were used for research analysis. The author used surveys and questionnaires to collect data and randomly sampled the research. The chi-square test indicates a significant association between gender and awareness level, which suggests a potential difference in awareness levels between males and females. A number of policy-level measures can enhance food intake and prevent chronic diseases linked to nutrition. Including thorough data on nutrition on food packaging is one of these.

Author Biographies

Sudeepta Raha

PhD Research Scholar; Department of Commerce; Assam University, Silchar, Assam 788011.

Dr. Parag Shil

Professor; Department of Commerce; Assam University, Silchar, Assam 788011


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How to Cite
Sudeepta Raha, & Dr. Parag Shil. (2024). Awareness of Nutrition Labels in Health Drinks among Youth of Assam (India). Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2678-2687.