A A Study On Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Drug Dispensers Functioning At Community Pharmacies In South-Bengaluru
Background: Pharmacists often dispense medications upon patient request without prescriptions, leading to issues such as antibiotic resistance and non-compliance with Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) guidelines. Effective regulation of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications is crucial to prevent adverse drug reactions and interactions.
Objective: The objectives of this research are to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of OTC and non-OTC drugs among Dispensers in the pharmacies located in Bangalore, Karnataka.
Methodology: Conducted among 500 dispensers using a standard KAP questionnaire, the study assessed demographics, knowledge, attitude, and practice. Data were analysed with SPSS software, applying ANOVA for statistical evaluation. Both male and female dispensers working in community pharmacies were included.
Results: The study of 500 participants revealed notable gaps in knowledge and practice, with 80.2% having a medical sciences background. Knowledge varied, with 6.8% unfamiliar with medical abbreviations and 84.8% knowledgeable about Schedule H and H1. Practices showed 91% dispensing analgesics without prescriptions. Pharmacy-background participants had higher scores, and more experience correlated with better performance. Continuous education is essential to address these gaps.
Conclusion: The study reveals that GPP guidelines are frequently not followed and emphasizes the need for improved training and supervision of pharmacists. Enhanced enforcement of standards and continuous education are crucial for better drug dispensing practices and rational drug use.
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