Smart Irrigation System for Optimal Water Conservation

  • Sujatha.S
  • Mahendra BM
  • Dr. Girish H
Keywords: IoT, Irrigation, Automation, Monitoring, Blynk App


Agriculture marked a transformative step towards settled human societies, as the ability to cultivate domesticated crops created food surpluses that fueled urban growth. Yet, traditional irrigation methods like overhead sprinklers and flood irrigation are often inefficient, wasting water and sometimes causing issues like soil fungal growth due to excess moisture. Manual irrigation further demands significant time and effort from farmers to monitor soil moisture and apply water as needed. This IoT-based smart irrigation system provides a solution by automating soil moisture measurement, tracking weather conditions, and delivering water with precision. It also allows users to set threshold values for optimal moisture, stopping irrigation once these levels are met. The project aims to empower farmers to manage and monitor irrigation using the Blynk app on their smartphones.

Author Biographies


Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and communication, CHRIST UNIVERSITY (School of Engineering and Technology), Kengeri campus, Bangalore, India.


Mahendra BM

Technical lead-VLSI, UST Global, Malaysia.

Dr. Girish H

Professor, Department of ECE, Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India


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How to Cite
Sujatha.S, Mahendra BM, & Dr. Girish H. (2024). Smart Irrigation System for Optimal Water Conservation. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2613 - 2619.