Case study on analysis and design of power house structure of hydro power plant using Staad Pro.

  • Monis Nasir
  • Sushant Kumar
  • Mayank Kumar
Keywords: .


The objective of this research is to deliver a comprehensive structural design of the unit bay frame of a power house subjected to various loading conditions.This is a case study on power house frame structure which got damaged due to flash floods. We have redesigned the frame structure and same will be comapred to the previous design results and hence the shortcomings can be known, if any. This project emphasizes the critical combinations and applications of loads at specific locations, determined through an extensive examination of the structural behavior under all conceivable loading scenarios using STAAD.Pro software. The analysis conducted in this study offers insights into the methodologies employed for the analysis, modeling, and design of the power house under different types of loads. In this study, we evaluated the frame structure against various loading combinations, considering factors such as earthquakes, floods, and wind loads. The results obtained confirmed that the structure is safe under the applied load combinations. Design calculations indicate that the proposed dimensions of the structural elements are adequate for the critical load scenarios. It is important to note that, as the analysis was performed using STAAD.Pro software, results may differ among researchers or under varying methodologies, depending on the values assigned to different loading combinations and other influencing factors. The design methods employed have taken into account all potential severe impacts on the frame structure, particularly those forces associated with natural disasters

Author Biographies

Monis Nasir

Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, India

Sushant Kumar

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Greater Noida Institute of Technology U.P. India

Mayank Kumar

Senior Structural Engineer


1. IS 9761: 1995 Hydropower Intakes-criteria for Hydraulic Design.
2. Varshney R.S ‘HydroPower Structures”, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee
3. Creager, W.P and Justin J.D, “Hydro Electric Hand Book”, John Wiley & Sons.
4. IS 1893:2002 (criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures).
5. IS 4247 PART 1(Structural design of surface electric power stations-Data for design).
6. IS 4247 PART 2(Structural design of surface electric power stations-super structure)
7. IS 4247 PART 3(Structural design of surface electric power stations-sub structure).
How to Cite
Monis Nasir, Sushant Kumar, & Mayank Kumar. (2024). Case study on analysis and design of power house structure of hydro power plant using Staad Pro. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2579 - 2599.