A Study on the citizen’s perception towards e-Governance service of the Government of Kerala and the problems experienced by the users.

  • S Beena
  • Dr Amutha T
Keywords: e-governance, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, personalisation


At present in most of the countries there are democratically elected Governments following the concept of “Welfare State”. In a democratic set-up a government is ‘for the People, by the People and of the People”. Therefore, in this type of set-up, the people participation in administration has multiplied. Moreover, there is significant increase in the complexity and magnitude of the government functions to solve complex operational problems and to aid in the implementation of development plans, programmes and projects, resulting in greater need of communication between people and Governments. To meet with the obligation of establishing communication, Information Technology is the only answer before the Government.

Every Government attempt to furnish services to the layman by way of making simpler streamlining of public service delivery network. In our country, persistent attempts have been made to guarantee translucent, authentic as well as effective services to natives and hence entrust them. Expeditious advances in Information and Communication Technology have made this really practicable. Hence, with the aim of attaining the masses of the nation, newly the Government of India has introduced digital India Programmes to metamorphose the country into a digitally entrusted society and knowledge economy. The present study aspires to go into an area of real concern for the victory of digital entrust of natives view point towards retrieving e - Government services. The study exhibits that motives to use, quality of website, self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, custom – built, security, local language and computer anxiety are positively related with e –Governance. Familiarity is negatively correlated with e –Governance. The study shows that by means of the system of e – Government helps the employees to attain responsibilities more rapidly and the legislation level presently implemented inspire them to accept e - Government services. In this study multi – stage sampling method is used for the selection of sample. This study reveals that Intention to use, website quality, self- efficacy, perceived usefulness, personalisation, perceived risk, security, local language and computer anxiety are positively related with e-Government. Familiarity is positively correlated but the correlation is not significance

Author Biographies

S Beena

Dept of Business Administration, Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Dr Amutha T

Assistant Professor,Dept of Business Administration, Avinashilingam Institute of HomeScience and Higher Education for Women, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641043.


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How to Cite
S Beena, & Dr Amutha T. (2024). A Study on the citizen’s perception towards e-Governance service of the Government of Kerala and the problems experienced by the users. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2656-2660. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.1305