A Study On The Training And Development Programs For Improving Business Operations In The Field Of Travel And Tourism Areas Under Kerala Cooperative Tourism Sector
The tourism and hospitality industry Kerala, India has experienced significant growth in recent years, with cooperative societies playing an increasingly important role. However, the lack of adequate training and development initiatives has hindered the ability of these cooperatives to deliver high-quality services and remain competitive. This study aims to investigate the importance of training and development for enhancing the performance of tourism and hospitality businesses operating under the Kerala Cooperative Tourism Sector. The research employees a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. A sample of 150 employees and 30 managers from various tourism cooperatives in Kerala were surveyed to assess their perceptions of current training practices, skills gaps, and the impact of training on job performance. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 industry experts and cooperative leaders to gain deeper insights into the challenges and opportunities related to training and development in the sector.The findings reveal significant positive relationship between the provision of training and employee performance. Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction. However, the results also highlight the inadequacy of current training initiatives in the Kerala Cooperative Tourism Sector, with many employees reporting insufficient training opportunities and a lack of alignment between training content and job requirements
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