Evaluating the Impact of Technology-Enhanced Learning on Academic Achievement and Attitudes of Higher Secondary Students in West Bengal
This study investigates the impact of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) on the academic achievement and attitudes of higher secondary students in West Bengal, with an emphasis on urban and rural comparisons. A sample of 300 students was equally divided between experimental (TEL-integrated) and control (traditional) groups, with further sub-division into urban (75) and rural (75) participants in each group. Pre- and post-tests were administered to assess academic performance, and a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire evaluated students' attitudes toward TEL. Statistical tools, including paired t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation analysis, were used to analyze the data. The results showed a significant improvement in academic performance among students exposed to TEL compared to those following traditional methods, with the experimental group achieving 15-20% higher scores. No significant differences in performance between urban and rural students were observed, suggesting TEL’s ability to provide equitable learning opportunities. Moreover, students in the experimental group exhibited more positive attitudes toward TEL, citing improved motivation, engagement, and conceptual understanding. A moderate positive correlation (r = 0.46) was found between students' attitudes toward TEL and their academic achievement, reinforcing the role of positive perceptions in enhancing learning outcomes. These findings highlight the potential of TEL to bridge educational disparities and enhance academic achievement across diverse settings. The study recommends blended learning models combining digital tools with traditional instruction to meet varying learning needs. Future research could explore subject-specific TEL applications and strategies for improving digital literacy among students and educators.
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