An Effective Siddha Management For Alopecia Areata (Puzhuvettu) – A Case Report

  • Dr. S. Chandraprasath
  • Dr P. Gunasekar
  • Dr. K. Balasubramanian
  • Dr S. Selvakumar
Keywords: Alopecia areata, Autoimmune disorder, Patch AA, Siddha system of medicine, Puzhuvettu


Alopecia areata is a disease quite commonly encounteredin clinical practice. It is an auto-immune disorder with complex pathophysiology and has the common characterization distinguished by visual non-scarring hair loss of scalp and / or body.  Although scalp is the most common site of occurrence, the hair, the eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails shall also gets affected. Patch AA is the most common form, withatopy and autoimmune thyroiditis as the most common associated conditions.  The condition affects all age groups and is ubiquitous in all types. The factors plays a major role in etiopathogenesis of AA are auto immunity, genetic predisposition and environmental aspects. According to Siddha system of medicine, AA being allied with Puzhuvettu as mentioned in the siddha texts. In the present study, a case of Alopecia areata was treated with both Internal and External Siddha medicines. This case report study was planned to disclose the efficacy of Siddha therapeutic management of Alopecia areata. Based on the findings and observations, with remarkable hair growth in a shorter duration, it can be concluded that Siddha medicine is also effective in treating Alopecia areata.

Author Biographies

Dr. S. Chandraprasath

Associate Professor, Department of Maruthuvam, Nandha Siddha Medical College and Hospital

Erode, Tamilnadu, India


Dr P. Gunasekar

Associate Professor, Department of Aruvai Thol Maruthuvam, Nandha Sidddha Medical College and Hospital, Erode, Tamilnadu, India

Dr. K. Balasubramanian

Assistant Professor, Department of Sattam Saarntha Maruthuvamum Nanju Maruthuvamum, Nandha Sidddha Medical College and Hospital, Erode, Tamilnadu, India


Dr S. Selvakumar

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital, Perambalur, Tamilnadu, India. 


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How to Cite
Dr. S. Chandraprasath, Dr P. Gunasekar, Dr. K. Balasubramanian, & Dr S. Selvakumar. (2024). An Effective Siddha Management For Alopecia Areata (Puzhuvettu) – A Case Report. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2416 -2420.