Design Of An Improved Model For Video Summarization Using Multimodal Fusion And Reinforcement Learning

  • Mr. Sushant Savita Madhukar Gandhi
  • Dr. Mukesh Shrimali
  • Dr. Pradip Mane
Keywords: Video Summarization, Multimodal Fusion, Reinforcement Learning, Sentiment Analysis, Emotion Detection, Process


Science and Technology together have been working on Video Summarization techniques efficiently and effectively, as the growth of video content across platforms insists on the need. These techniques do have limitations, mostly originating from the focus of the work on single modalities, e.g. video or text alone, which often produces shallow summaries in context or emotional touch. In addition, the majority of these mechanisms have no styling to be respectful of user requirements or involvement in the study of relevant measures. This limitation restricts the boundaries of these techniques in use for concrete applications in real life. To tackle these difficulties, we present a novel set of framework lines that blend multimodal fusion, reinforcement learning, and sentiment-emotion analysis for advanced video summarization. Our model, which we will refer to as the Multimodal Fusion Transformer (MMFT), utilizes Transformer networks for the fusion of multiple streams of data representation originating from video frames, audio spectrograms, and textual transcripts by making use of the very recent cross-modal attention mechanism. This approach will further enable one to capture in detail the inter-correlations among the different modalities, resulting in contextually enriched summaries. Given such multimodal representation, we take the further step to introduce Reinforcement Summarization Agent (RSA) that dynamically refines generated summaries through optimization towards user satisfaction and engagement metrics. RSAs treat summarization as a sequential decisionmaking problem in a reinforcement learning manner to iteratively enhance the summary quality based on real-time feedback. Finally, in order to make the summaries much more emotionally intense and of sentimental relevance, we adapted Irritability-Aware BERT with Emotion-Enriched CNN-LSTM (IA-BE-CNNLSTM). This is a hybrid model that draws information about sentiment from textual data and emotional cues from visual and audio data to ensure important emotional moments are part of the outcome. Such a fusion has enabled substantial improvements in the accuracy and emotional impact of the summaries. Experimental results on the YouTube and TrecVID databases show that this approach increases the precision of 0.82-0.92 and the recall of 0.75-0.88, and the metrics for user engagement/emotional resonance are notably improved. This is a giant leap forward in the area of video summarization, and a robust yet adaptable system to various application domains.

Author Biographies

Mr. Sushant Savita Madhukar Gandhi

PhD Scholar, Pacific University, Udaipur

Dr. Mukesh Shrimali

Director, Pacific University, Udaipur

Dr. Pradip Mane

Associate Professor, VPPCOE&VA, Mumbai


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How to Cite
Mr. Sushant Savita Madhukar Gandhi, Dr. Mukesh Shrimali, & Dr. Pradip Mane. (2024). Design Of An Improved Model For Video Summarization Using Multimodal Fusion And Reinforcement Learning. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2260-2267.