Improving Reproductive Efficiency in Dairy Cows through Hormonal Interventions: A Regional Approach

  • Dr. Mohita Sardana
  • Dr. Pramendra Kumar
  • Dr. Anshu Sinha
  • Dr. Sushama Kumari
  • Dr. Amit Priyadarshi
  • Dina Nath Pandit
Keywords: Hormonal interventions, Reproductive efficiency, Dairy cows, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), Prostaglandin (PGF2α), Artificial insemination (AI), Conception rate, Calving interval


The paper assesses the effect of hormonal treatments on the fertility of dairy cows through a randomized controlled trial. The subjects were 250 cows from 5 farms and randomly assigned to the hormonal intervention and control groups. The intervention was GnRH, PGF2α, the second GnRH, and AI. The control group was left to undergo reproductive management. The parameters evaluated included conception rates, calving intervals, repeat insemination rates, and hormonal changes. The results showed that the conception rate of the intervention group was 72% and that of the control group was 54% (p < 0.05). The intervention group also had a shorter calving interval of 385 days compared with the control group of 420 days (p < 0.01) and a lower repeat insemination rate of 15% compared with 35% of the control group (p < 0.05). Serum hormone assays and ultrasound examinations showed that the follicular synchronization was better in the intervention group. The hormonal protocol was as effective regardless of the region to which the patients belonged (p > 0.05). This work proves that hormonal synchronization enhances reproductive performance in dairy cows and offers the best approach to improving dairy productivity

Author Biographies

Dr. Mohita Sardana

Assistant professor, Department of Zoology, VKS University, Arrah –802301,

Dr. Pramendra Kumar

Assistant professor, P. G. Department of Botany, VKS University, Arrah -802301,

Dr. Anshu Sinha

Assistant professor, Department of Zoology, CMS Science College, Darbhanga

Dr. Sushama Kumari

Department of Zoology, VKS University, Arrah,

Dr. Amit Priyadarshi

Assistant professor, Department of Zoology, VKS University, Arrah- 802301,

Dina Nath Pandit

University Professor, Department of Zoology, VKS University, Arrah-802301


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How to Cite
Dr. Mohita Sardana, Dr. Pramendra Kumar, Dr. Anshu Sinha, Dr. Sushama Kumari, Dr. Amit Priyadarshi, & Dina Nath Pandit. (2024). Improving Reproductive Efficiency in Dairy Cows through Hormonal Interventions: A Regional Approach. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2235 - 2240.