Formulation And Evaluation of Herbal Tablets Containing Ethanolic Extract of Acalypha indica –A Quality By Design (Qbd) Approach
The present paper deals with formulation and evaluation of herbal tablets prepared from ethanolic extract of the selected plant. A solid unit pharmaceutical dosage formulation using a novel dry plant extract (stem) using various excipients Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K 30, Croscarmellos sodium (CCS), Lactose, Magnesium stearate, Talk Finally, the Round and flat shaped tablets, with average weight of 600 mg were compressed. Response surface methodology was used to formulation and evaluations of the herbal tablets made from Ethanolic extract of stem of Acalypha indica belonging family of Euphorbiaceae, was used for the anti-hyperlipidemia. Quality by design tools, design of expert (DOE) was used in the optimization of formulation, which was formed by three factors, namely, the Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K 30, the Croscarmellose sodium (CCS), and the Lactose, at three levels. Stability study of optimize formulation was done, both physically and chemically, for a period of 3 months at accelerated stability conditions (250C±20C and 60 ± 5% RH) and (400C±20C and 70 ±5% RH).
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