The Burden Of Intestinal Parasitic Infections In Children: A Study On Microbial Interactions And Clinical Implications

  • Dr. Maibam Debala Chanu
  • Dr. Kanchan Bala Dogra
  • Dr. Kuldeep Singh
  • Dr. Rajdeep Paul
Keywords: intestinal parasitic infections, children, co-infections, gut microbiota, microbial interactions


Intestinal parasitic infections (IPIs) pose a significant public health threat, particularly in children from low- and middle-income regions where sanitation and hygiene infrastructure are inadequate. These infections, caused by protozoa and helminths such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Giardia lamblia, and Entamoeba histolytica, can lead to a range of symptoms including diarrhea, malnutrition, and impaired growth. Moreover, parasitic infections frequently co-occur with bacterial and viral pathogens, leading to more severe clinical outcomes. This prospective study aimed to determine the burden of IPIs in children and evaluate the microbial interactions between parasites, bacteria, and gut microbiota. Stool samples from 450 children aged 2–12 years with gastrointestinal symptoms were collected and analyzed using microscopy, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and 16S rRNA sequencing to detect parasites and co-infections with bacterial or viral pathogens. Overall, 53.3% of the children had IPIs, and 62.5% of these had bacterial co-infections, with Escherichia coli being the most prevalent pathogen. Co-infected children had longer illness durations and were more likely to require hospitalization. Gut microbiota analysis revealed reduced diversity and depletion of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in children with parasitic infections. These findings underscore the complex interaction between intestinal parasites and microbial pathogens, necessitating integrated treatment strategies to mitigate the health burden on children.

Author Biographies

Dr. Maibam Debala Chanu

Pathologist, Clinical Pathology dept., General Diagnostic International Pvt Ltd Sanpada Navi Mumbai

Dr. Kanchan Bala Dogra

Assistant Professor, Anatomy, Chirayu Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal, M.P.

Dr. Kuldeep Singh

Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Chirayu Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal, M.P.

Dr. Rajdeep Paul

Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Chirayu Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal, M.P.


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How to Cite
Dr. Maibam Debala Chanu, Dr. Kanchan Bala Dogra, Dr. Kuldeep Singh, & Dr. Rajdeep Paul. (2024). The Burden Of Intestinal Parasitic Infections In Children: A Study On Microbial Interactions And Clinical Implications. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2286-2288.