Preclinical Evaluation Of Antidiabetic Properties Of Murraya Koenigii And Abelmoschus Esculentus In Diabetic Rats
The present study deals with the antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic activities of Murraya koenigii, commonly known as curry leaves, extract on STZ-induced diabetic rats. The given dose of the extract to the rats in this study was 500 mg/kg body weight for 37 days and then estimated its effects on blood glucose and HbA1c levels and lipid profile. Results: The results indicated that Murraya koenigii has significant hypoglycemic activity since the blood glucose and HbA1c levels of the treated group were significantly reduced compared with the diabetic control group. The extract has also been found to possess antihyperlipidemic activity as there is a significant reduction in triglyceride levels and an increase in the level of HDL cholesterol, respectively. In addition, biochemical markers and histopathological examinations revealed no effect on the pancreas, liver, or kidneys due to this extract. These findings could suggest the possibility of using Murraya koenigii as a natural safe and effective treatment of diabetes mellitus, alongside its complications. Further studies should be recommended to validate these results in clinical trials.
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