Development And Validation Of RP-HPLC Method For Estimation Of Some Antiviral Drugs Using Aqbd Approach

  • Mrs. Rani Divekar
  • Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma
  • Dr. Pankaj Kumar Sharma
  • Dr.Jaya Sharma
  • Dr. Padmanabh Deshpande
  • Dr. Sagar D. Kore
  • Dr. Basavraj Mathdevru
Keywords: Acyclovir, Abacavir, Sofosbuvir, Lopinavir, RP-HPLC, Robustness, AQbD, Precision


A precise and robust method was developed method for the estimation of some antiviral drugs i.e. Acyclovir (ACY), Abacavir (ABA), Sofosbuvir (SOF) and Lopinavir (LPV) in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form. The Method used Agilent 1260 Infinity II model HPLC with DAD detector and Phenomenex Kinetex XB-C8 (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5mm). The Mobile phase combination used was 0.2% Perchloric acid and Acetonitrile [50:50]. Flow rate at 0.5ml/min and wavelength at 210 nm with run time of 10 minutes. The retention time of Acyclovir, Abacavir, Sofosbuvir and Lopinavir peaks was at 2.9minutes, 3.29 minutes, 4.49 minutes and 14.19minutes, respectively. The developed method was validated according to ICH Q2 (R1) guidelines. % RSD for Instrument precision, Method Precision and Intermediate precision was found to be below 2.0% for the antiviral drugs. The Intra& Inter-day precision for Acyclovir, Abacavir, Sofosbuvir and Lopinavir had a %RSD of less than 2.0% for all the APIs. Method was linear and accurate for concentration range of 40-60 mg/ml for all four APIs. For accuracy, maximum % RSD of ACY at 80% which was 0.21%, for ABA at 100% which was 0.12%, for SOF and LPV at 120% which was 0.39% and 0.34% respectively. The method was found to be robust for simultaneous estimation of Acyclovir, Abacavir, Sofosbuvir and Lopinavir.

Author Biographies

Mrs. Rani Divekar

Research Scholar- Apex University, Jaipur, Postal Address:- 92,Induban,Narvir Tanaji Wadi, Near Sakhar Sankul Shivajinagar, Pune-411005 

Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma

Apex University, Jaipur.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Sharma

Apex University, Jaipur.

Dr.Jaya Sharma

Apex University, Jaipur.

Dr. Padmanabh Deshpande

AISSPMS College of Pharmacy, Pune

Dr. Sagar D. Kore

School of Pharmacy, PCET's Pimpri Chinchwad University. Sate, Maval (PMRDA) Dist. -Pune –412106.

Dr. Basavraj Mathdevru

Siddhant College of Pharmacy, Sudumbare


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How to Cite
Mrs. Rani Divekar, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Pankaj Kumar Sharma, Dr.Jaya Sharma, Dr. Padmanabh Deshpande, Dr. Sagar D. Kore, & Dr. Basavraj Mathdevru. (2024). Development And Validation Of RP-HPLC Method For Estimation Of Some Antiviral Drugs Using Aqbd Approach. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2298-2311.