Molecular Docking Study Of Some Phytoconstituents Of Alangium Salviifolium Against Colorectal Cancer
The prevalence of unpleasant effects linked to commercially accessible cancer drugs is on the rise, prompting the utilization of natural items to mitigate these symptoms. This experiment utilized the constituents of Alangium salviifolium. Plants contain alkaloids such as beta-carboline harmaline and deoxytubulosine, which has anticancer properties. The alkaloids' anticancer characteristics were analyzed using CADD, a computational design technique. The NPACT database was used to analyze the anticancer properties of the compounds, and the Auto Dock program was employed to do a binding affinity analysis with six different receptors. The outcomes were exhibited in Discovery Studio. The commonly employed pharmaceutical Paclitaxel was utilized to evaluate these results. The addition of zinc oxide to the compounds was made in order to enhance the advantages. The PyRx software was utilized to manipulate the findings of the molecular docking investigation, which were subsequently displayed in Discovery Studio. In order to conduct a pharmacokinetics study using the pkCSM database, it is necessary to validate the beta-carboline harmaline in vitro.
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