Symbiosis Of Old And New In Historic Blocks: Activating Urban Value Through Renewal And Rehabilitation In Chengdu's Tiexiang Temple Block
The paper "Symbiosis of Old and New in Historic Blocks: Activating Urban Value through Renewal and Rehabilitation in Chengdu's Tiexiang Temple Block" presents an extensive analysis of the Tiexiang Temple neighborhood renewal in Chengdu, China. The study focuses on how the concept of old-new symbiosis was applied in the project's master planning and design. The methodology includes a literature review on the theory of old-new symbiosis in urban regeneration, background research on the Tiexiang temple and neighborhood, and an analysis of the masterplan and design proposals for the renewal project. This analysis looks at various elements such as layout planning, water system design, transport planning, and architectural styles. The technique used is Content Analysis, involving a systematic examination of documents, plans, images, and relevant literature to identify patterns and themes. This approach helps to understand the integration of traditional and modern elements in the redevelopment project. The paper also discusses the challenges faced during the project implementation, including incorporating modern infrastructure, managing stakeholder interests, and addressing environmental concerns. The results of the study demonstrate the successful application of the symbiosis concept, highlighting the balance achieved between preservation and innovation, and the project's impact on the urban value and cultural relevance of the historic neighborhood. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of this balanced approach in urban renewal, which respects historical heritage while integrating contemporary advancements.
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