Underwater Wireless Power Transfer Electric Vehicle

  • Dr. P. Arulkumar
  • T. Krishna
  • S. Dhaanush
  • A. Suseenthiran
  • R. Aravindkumar
Keywords: Resonant magnetic induction, Underwater Communication, Charging infrastructure, Submerged charging, Safety mechanisms, Alignment optimization, Environmental impact, Compatibility Marine exploration, Underwater vehicles


Underwater wireless power transfer (WPT) encounters formidable challenges in achieving efficient charging and power transfer, especially when leveraging solar energy. In this study, we present a solution aimed at resolving these challenges by harnessing the principles of transformer induction and adaptive robotic technology. Our primary focus lies in developing a WPT system that not only optimizes charging efficiency but also adapts seamlessly to the demanding underwater conditions, ensuring enhanced overall performance. The core objective of our research revolves around designing a WPT system that attains remarkable efficiency and unity power factor, pivotal for seamless power transmission. Through extensive prototyping and testing, our system demonstrates the ability to transmit an output voltage of approximately 15V over an 8cm air gap, covering a maximum sliding distance of 10cm. This achievement showcases the system's capability to overcome the barriers of underwater power transfer, setting the stage for sustainable operations in challenging aquatic environments. Moreover, our approach integrates diverse energy sources, including solar and grid energy, to bolster the system's adaptability and energy generation capabilities. This integration opens avenues for consistent and optimized power generation, vital for prolonged and reliable underwater applications. By combining cutting-edge technologies and innovative design paradigms, our research aims to propel the advancement of underwater WPT, laying the groundwork for transformative solutions in underwater power transmission. Key components of the system include underwater power transmission modules installed on charging stations or submerged platforms and receiving modules integrated into EVs. These modules communicate wirelessly to establish a power transfer link while ensuring alignment and efficiency during charging sessions. Furthermore, the system is designed to be compatible with existing EV infrastructure, enabling seamless integration into current charging networks. The proposed underwater WPT system presents a promising solution for scenarios where traditional charging methods are impractical or infeasible, such as underwater exploration vehicles, marine research vessels, and submerged infrastructure. By providing a convenient and efficient charging solution, this technology contributes to the advancement of electric transportation in diverse and challenging environments.

Author Biographies

Dr. P. Arulkumar

Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, V.S.B Engineering College, Karur-639111

T. Krishna

Final year Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, V.S.B Engineering College, Karur- 639111.

S. Dhaanush

Final year Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, V.S.B Engineering College, Karur- 639111.

A. Suseenthiran

Final year Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, V.S.B Engineering College, Karur- 639111.

R. Aravindkumar

Final year Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, V.S.B Engineering College, Karur- 639111.


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How to Cite
Dr. P. Arulkumar, T. Krishna, S. Dhaanush, A. Suseenthiran, & R. Aravindkumar. (2024). Underwater Wireless Power Transfer Electric Vehicle. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2221-2232. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.1135