Toxicological And Behavioural Effects Of Deltamethrin In Albino Rats
Pesticides, especially deltamethrin—a Type-II synthetic pyrethroid widely utilized in agriculture and residential settings—are among the most concerning hazardous agents intentionally introduced into our environment, prompting serious apprehensions regarding their possible detrimental impacts on human health. This study examined the harmful effects of deltamethrin on behaviour and motor coordination in adult Wistar albino rats (250-270 gm), which were administered the substance intraperitoneally at a dosage of 0.5 mg/kg body weight for one month. Behavioural and toxicological indicators, encompassing body weight, rectal temperature, open field behaviour, social contact, landing foot splay, and neuromuscular function (forelimb and hindlimb grip assessments), were monitored. Experimental rats displayed mild to moderate symptoms, including reduced food consumption, salivation, motor incoordination, looping, and weaving. Rats treated with deltamethrin exhibited a statistically significant reduction in body weight, diminished locomotor and rearing frequency, prolonged immobility duration, decreased social interaction, enlarged foot angles, and delayed reflex onset, indicating notable variability in toxicity and motor coordination.
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