An Analytical Study On The Relationship Of Health Expenditure And Economic Growth In India

  • Simon Giri
  • Swati Gautam
  • Neha Yadav
Keywords: Health Expenditure, Economic Growth, Causality India, Healthcare Sector, Econometric Techniques, Granger Causality, Population Health, Policy Implications, Healthcare Planning


This research paper seeks to examine the dynamic interplay between health expenditure and economic growth within the framework of India. The study acknowledges the vital relationship between healthcare investment and a nation's economic development, specifically examining the Indian healthcare sector. The research methodology employs time-series data analysis, incorporating pertinent economic indicators and health expenditure data over an extensive timeframe. Multiple econometric methods, such as cointegration analysis and Granger causality tests, are utilized to identify the causal relationship or reciprocity between health expenditure and economic growth in India. The study posits that elevated health expenditure positively influences economic growth by improving the population's general health and productivity. Conversely, it examines the potential for reverse causality, wherein economic expansion may result in heightened health expenditure due to enhanced income levels and evolving lifestyle patterns. The research's key findings are anticipated to elucidate the direction and intensity of causality between health expenditure and economic growth in India. The ramifications of these findings may have substantial policy consequences for healthcare planning and economic growth initiatives in the nation. This study is significant for its ability to enlighten policymakers, healthcare professionals, and economists about the necessity of investing in the healthcare sector to promote sustainable economic growth. Furthermore, it enhances the current literature by providing insights into the distinctive dynamics of the Indian setting, so augmenting the worldwide comprehension of the relationship between health expenditure and economic progress. The research findings may provide a crucial resource for formulating evidence-based policies that seek to reconcile health investment with economic growth in India.

Author Biographies

Simon Giri
Faculty of Commerce, Dayal Bagh Educational Institute, Agra.  
Swati Gautam
Faculty of Commerce, Dayal Bagh Educational Institute, Agra.
Neha Yadav
Faculty of Commerce, Dayal Bagh Educational Institute, Agra.



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How to Cite
Simon Giri, Swati Gautam, & Neha Yadav. (2024). An Analytical Study On The Relationship Of Health Expenditure And Economic Growth In India. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2110 -2116.