Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Guided Imagery On Blood Pressure Among Pregnancy Induced Hypertensionmothers At Government Hospital, Chengalpattu District.

  • Sumathi C
  • Dr. C. Kanniammal
  • Dr. Ciby Jose
Keywords: Blood pressure, Pregnancy induced hypertension mothers, Guided imagery


Background: Pregnancy-induced hypertension is the prevailing medical disorder of pregnancy that indicates 6–10% of pregnancies all around the world. It is the second direct cause of maternal mortality globally. Present study was aimed to eevaluate the effectiveness of Guided imagery on level of blood pressure among pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) mothers.

Methods: A Quantitative research approach with Quasi experimental- pre-test post test control group design was adopted. Study was conducted among 60 antenatal mothers who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected by using purposive sampling technique at selected government Hospital,chengalpattu district.The data were collected by using structured interview questionnaires.The intervention group started relaxation technique for 15 minutes twice a day for four weeks. The level of blood pressure were monitored at the beginning and four weeks after the intervention. Data were analyzed through SPSS 21, using Chi-square test and paired t-test.

Results: The post-test mild level of blood pressure is 25(83.3%) and moderate level of blood pressure is 5(16.7%) in experimental group. The post-test mild level of blood pressure is 26(86.7%) and moderate level of blood pressure is 4(13.3%) in control group. There was a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test level of blood pressure among experimental group at p < 0.05.

Conclusion: This study highlights the critical need to comprehend the benefits of guided imagery approaches for lowering blood pressure in pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH) mothers.

Author Biographies

Sumathi C

Ph.D scholar, SRM College of Nursing, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, Chennai,Tamilnadu, India.


Dr. C. Kanniammal

Dean, SRM College of Nursing, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, Chennai.Tamilnadu, India.

Dr. Ciby Jose

Principal, Venkateswara Nursing College,    Thalambur, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.


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How to Cite
Sumathi C, Dr. C. Kanniammal, & Dr. Ciby Jose. (2024). Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Guided Imagery On Blood Pressure Among Pregnancy Induced Hypertensionmothers At Government Hospital, Chengalpattu District. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2078 -2083. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.1089