Tantra Sadhana in Folk and Spirituality

  • Dr. Ambuj Trivedi
Keywords: Tantra, Shiva, Agam, Ramanand, Dakshinachar.


After considering the principles of Agama, it becomes necessary to discuss its practical aspects also. Guru, Gurumantra, Diksha, Sadhana etc. are essential parts of Aagam tradition. It also becomes necessary to discuss what things the seeker has to pay attention to. It is often seen that without taking Gurudiksha, without knowing the terminology of the tradition, people buy books from here and there, read only half the things from them and start doing sadhana and declare themselves as tantrics. The efforts of such people become futile. On one hand these people defame the scriptures and tradition and on the other hand they commit many types of criminal acts in the society. Therefore, it is necessary that we have to know the seriousness of the scriptures. These four parts – knowledge, yoga, behavior and action – have to be properly assimilated into the heart. The author has kept these topics in relation to Agama. Along with this, in Shri Amriteshwar-Bhairav-Mahimnastotra, Bija-Mantrodhar has also been discussed, which presents the principle of Bija-mantrodhar of Aagam.

Author Biography

Dr. Ambuj Trivedi

Assistant Professor, Braj bhushan sanskrit college Kharkhura Gaya Bihar Email- ambujtrivedi.bhu@gmail.com


1.Sukhmaya Bhattacharya, Tantra Parichay, Page 15.
2. Srimad Bhagwat, Eleventh skandha, 27/26.
3. Srimad Bhagwat, 11/27/49 .
4. Sukhmaya Bhattacharya, Tantra Parichay, Page 18.
5. Sukhmaya Bhattacharya, Tantra Parichay, Page 20.
6. Vishwasar tantra, Page 15.
7. Mahanirvan Tantra, Tantra parichay,
How to Cite
Dr. Ambuj Trivedi. (2024). Tantra Sadhana in Folk and Spirituality. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 2050 -2052. https://doi.org/10.69980/redvet.v25i1.1075